Professional Development Seminars & Interactive Workshops

Your people can gain proven techniques, tips, and successful strategies to help them increase their potential and achieve greater success with their personal and professional goals. With over 25 years of Leadership, Sales and Personal Development experience, my programs are design to motivate the “Inspired Action” needed for greater results faster. Let’s get started call me with any questions you may have at: 1.414.531.7859 

The best I can offer you is this; on time delivery and completion, laughter, connecting stories, learning, value added content, my best, flexibility, fair fees and my mission to make a difference on purpose!

Planning an upcoming sales meeting?

In my Keynotes and Workshops, I can help your sales people:

  1. Increase their Conversion Rate (Quote to Close Ration)
  2. Leverage Social Media Platforms to Increase their Results
  3. Better Manage their Selling Time
  4. Overcome objections while building relationships
  5. Build a proactive and focused sales and referral pipeline
  6. And yes have fun while mastering the sales process!

Topic: Sales Strategies That Really Work

Selling TimeSales Training Workshops: (Sales Strategies that really work!)
 Larry’s  Book: Selling Time! 123 Simple Strategies for Greater Sales Success (Book Optional for Attendees) Program: Yes It’s Selling Time! The 7 Key Strategies on Achieving Greater Sales Success Faster

  • Motivational Sales Strategies that Get You Selling; Moving from Traditional to Unconventional Sales Strategies
  • How to Give a More Effective Sales Presentation; Engage, Inspire and Connect (Everyone Communicates, Few Connect!)
  • Let’s Talk Sales Together! Increasing Your Results in The 6 Key Areas of Every Sales Persons Life
  • There’s No Such Thing As Aiming To High; The 5 Simple Rules for Achieving Peak Performance
  • Winning from the Inside Out; Transformation Begins Within – Developing Your Inside Sales Teams for Greater Results, Support and Leadership

Topic: Referral Marketing Strategies: (Human Capital is Key to Your Success)

  • Mastering the Art of Networking; Achieving Greater Success with Your Personal and Professional Goals By Developing your Networks
  • Mastering the Art of Social Media with Your Sales Objectives; It Ain’t Going Anywhere So You Might as Well Master it!

Topic: Leadership Development: (Leaders Value People More than Position)

  • The 7 Simple Things You Must Master as a Leader for Greater Returns, Retention and Progression
  • Dare to Grow Your Leadership Qualities; The 5 Laws You Simply Must Activate for Greater Leadership Results
  • Mastering the Art of Public Speaking; Developing Your Presentation Skills for Greater Effectiveness, connect-ability and Results

Don’t hesitate; contact us NOW for your next Sales Meeting or Conference, the bottom line is on the line! Call: 1.414.531.7859 and let’s begin making a difference now!

Contact: Debbie our Client Satisfaction Director at: